“The soft side of the roam” – Soles and tires to hit the streets with colour 

Fine, practical, sustainable, authentic. Bicycles are a true classic that never gets old and stays as fresh today as it was one century ago. It’s no accident that RUBIROSA AW2023 campaign features a bicycle to match the spirit of the brand and its idea of contemporary movement.   There is yet another analogy between bicycles […]

“RUBIROSA and the quiet luxury” – If you know, you know

Quiet luxury’ has been a trending topic in all the fashion related medias and talks for the past few months, while brands that had always cultivated classical styles, premium quality and anti-buzz marketing approach are now experiencing an unprecedent consideration. But what does exactly “quiet luxury” mean? Firstly and most obviously it can be defined […]

“The colours of cold” – RUBIROSA loves nature inspired trends

As bright and hot summer days leave space for the first autumn chills, in all the regions of the world that have four distinct seasons people gladly rediscover their favourite fall garments. Naturally, heavier, thicker and water- and wind-proof materials better suit a colder climate and rainfalls. But there is also another, less obvious but […]

“Rubirosa and the golden era of playboys”

Porfirio Rubirosa is generally recognised as the most representative of the “golden era playboys”. But what is it exactly that made those middle century gentlemen so distinctively irresistible and charmant, and somehow incomparable to any other wealthy partygoer of later times? Several authors and insightful beholders of the period tried to list the peculiar set […]

“RUBIROSA’s favourite game, as for sport”

What he loved the most besides charming ladies   Polo is called “the sport of kings” and in the past centuries it has become a privileged spectator sport for equestrians and high society all over the world. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that the jet set king Porfirio Rubirosa was a polo enthusiast all […]

“AVA and JOAN felt warm memories”

Something you should have known and felt too Felt is considered to be one of the most ancient textile materials used by mankind. It is produced by wetting, matting and pressing fibres together. Originally they were wool or animal fur fibres, but recently synthetic fibres, such as acrylic or wood pulp-based rayon, as well as […]

“JUDY has a thing for wrinkles”

When elegance doesn’t need the iron but a slight dose of irony Linen has certainly come a long way from being wrapped on mummies to summer suits and now back to every day wear, just like cool sneakers.   Linen, name having derived from the Latin name of the plant, is one of the oldest […]

“ARIZA and the roots of brogue”

The full, the half, and the Rubirosa’s signature. In both Gaelic and Scottish the word bróg means “shoe”, but Scots word brogue is also used to denote a bradawl, as well as the action of piercing with such a tool. In fact, modern brogues originated from a rudimentary shoe that was used in the Irish […]